01108 - The road to Alaro Mallorca -  oil on canvas - 50 x 50 2020

01108 - The road to Alaro Mallorca - oil on canvas - 50 x 50 2020

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The picturesque scene that befalls the viewer in this view of the approach to the town of Alaro in Mallorca, for me at least, reminded me of the famous Biblical story of the parting of the Red Sea. Led by Moses, in a desperate escape from the clutches of the Pharaoh of Egypt, the tribes of Israel become trapped against the shores of Red Sea. On God's command, Moses stretches out his staff over the Yam Suph, (red sea) and God parts the waters allowing the Israelites to escape by walking on dry ground. The massive pillars of water either side held back just long enough before they came crashing down on the pursuing Egyptian army.

The sky in this picture is a composition designed to evoke the 'east wind' that blew over that night to part the waters.

A typical inland scene on this paradise island, is one of almond tree lined country lanes guarded by monoliths of eroding sandstone. 

I have used glazes mixed in with the paint to enhance the luminosity of the colours.